2022 Fellowships for Advanced Asian Language Study

Posted in Announcements

Blakemore Foundation Fellowships

The Blakemore Foundation is now accepting applications at https://blakemorefoundation.communityforce.com  for its 2022 Blakemore Freeman Fellowships for an academic year of advanced language study in East and Southeast Asia.  The application deadline is December 30, 2021. 

The fellowships are awarded to graduating seniors, college graduates, graduate students and young/mid-career professionals who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States, who are already at or near an advanced level in the language and ready to advance to professional fluency. The grants are highly competitive; we anticipate awarding grants to around 5% of applicants.
Who should apply? The Foundation is looking for exceptional candidates who will make significant contributions to their career field. The ideal candidate is someone with stellar grades, outstanding recommendations, and a demonstrated commitment to the Asian country and language. Beyond commitment, they are looking for a mature purpose: a career path that will require and benefit from fluency in that Asian language throughout that individual’s life.

Candidates pursuing careers which will involve the regular use of an East or Southeast Asian language in fields such as academia, STEM, international business, accounting, law, medicine, journalism, architecture, teaching, NGO and government service, and similar fields are encouraged to apply.

The grants provide a stipend for living, travel and study expenses and full tuition for programs in East Asia such as:
● Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama
● International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University
● Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University
● Seoul National University, Sogang University and other language programs in South Korea

In addition to Chinese, Japanese and Korean, Blakemore Freeman Fellowships are also available for advanced language study in:
● Thailand     ● Vietnam     ● Indonesia     ● Cambodia     ● Myanmar

Note: If in-person study in a country is not possible due to travel restrictions, grantees may study on-line with their language program.