CSET Student Employment Opportunities

Posted in Announcements

CSET  is accepting applications for various part-time GU student positions (detailed below) that may be of interest to your students within the East Asian Languages & Cultures department.

  • North Korea/AI Research Assistant  JobID: 30637
    • This RA will support research on evaluating the state of North Korea’s artificial intelligence (AI) research and its implications for military and security applications. Tasks include analyzing and translating primary sources in Korean language and providing research support on areas such as computer vision and natural language processing. Application closes 9/14.
  • China Military Tech Research Assistant  JobID: 28314
    • This RA will use advanced Chinese-language skills to assist in researching and writing reports on technology usage in the Chinese military. Application closes 9/19.

All applications must be submitted via the seo website  in order to be considered. They do not accept applications via email.