Now Hiring: Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs Editorial Board

Posted in Announcements

The Georgetown Journal of Asian Affairs , an open-access scholarly journal published by the Asian Studies Program, is now hiring editors to produce Volume 6. Anyone currently enrolled in a degree program at Georgetown University may apply.
In order to apply, please review the attached hiring announcement carefully and submit your (1) cover letter and (2) CV or resume (as a single PDF in that order) to  by no later than 10:00 p.m. EST on Friday, September 6, 2019. Please title your email as “GJAA Application: First Name Last Name.”

There are nine positions available:

  • One Editor in Chief position
  • One Senior Editor position
  • One Managing Editor position
  • Three Associate Editor positions
  • Three Assistant Editor positions

In your cover letter, please specify the position(s) of your interest. However, note that the hiring committee will consider the application pool holistically and may offer a position that you did not originally seek. 

Should you have any questions about the application process or about the Journal in general, please reach out to