Seeking Participants for Study on Multiracial Heritage Speakers

Posted in Announcements

Georgetown MA student Kayla Garrett and Linguistics Professor Nadja Tadic are carrying out a study on multiracial heritage speakers’ experience with race and language related ideologies, particularly within the home and/or community.

The study is seeking students who identify as bi/multiracial and heritage speakers for short (total commitment no more than 90 minutes) interviews. There is particular interest in recruiting people who identify as belonging to more than one racial group and consider themselves a heritage speaker of any language.

With regards to this study, a heritage speaker refers to one who is raised in a home where a non-English target language is spoken and who speaks and at least understands the language and is to some degree bilingual in the language and in English. The heritage speaker can be of any level of proficiency.

Please reach out to  or  for more information.