Chinese Placement Test- Spring 2017
Category: Announcements
Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review
Japanese Language Proficiency Test- The Spring 2015 Japanese Language Proficiency Test for BSFS/MSFS/MASIA Students is Scheduled for April 13-15. Please Sign up by Friday, April 10
The Spring 2015 Japanese Language Proficiency Test for BSFS/MSFS/MASIA students is scheduled for April 13-15. Please sign up by Friday, April 10 at: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/70A054DA5A87-2015. Please contact Professor Yoshiko Mori,Associate Professor of Japanese and Director of the Japanese Language Program in the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures for more information.
Category: Announcements
Georgetown China Studies Speakers Series 2014-2015
March 17, 2015 (Tues): Tsering Shakya, Canadian Research Chair in Religion and Contemporary Society in Asia at the Institute for Asian Research, University of British Columbia
Category: Announcements
Georgetown China Studies Speakers Series 2014-2015
Please mark your calendars for this series of talks in which scholars approaching China from various fields will introduce their new work to the Georgetown campus and community. The series is offered by the Georgetown Initiative for Global History (Dept. of History) and the Asian Studies Program at Georgetown, with support from the Offices of the Provost and the Vice President for Global Engagement. All talks (unless otherwise advertised) held 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Inter-Cultural Center (ICC) room 662 on the Georgetown University campus. You may RSVP at any time through Eventbrite links below. Sign-ups can be accepted until we reach room capacity or up until 48 hours before the event. For more information, please email Prof. James Millward millwarj@georgetown.edu.
Category: Announcements