In order to apply for one of our Chinese Teaching Assistant positions (CV is not required):
- Download the Chinese Student Drill Instructor Application Form.
- Fill out the form with black pen/ no pencil.
- Upload the completed Chinese Student Drill Instructor Application Form to your GMS application. Your application will not be considered without the Application Form.
- Professors will contact you directly if they are interested in scheduling an interview.
Learning Chinese
- Chinese Language Information Page
A comprehensive navigational tool pointing you to Chinese language related resources. -
Chinese-related web pages with a focus on Chinese language learning for English speakers. - Learning Chinese Online
This web site, created and maintained by Dr. Xie Tianwei, contains good information on learning Chinese at all levels. - Marjorie Chan’s ChinaLinks
This site has annotated links to over six hundred China-and Chinese language and linguistics-related websites (and a few ftp and gopher sites). The links have been selected and annotated with the aim of directing graduate and undergraduate students in Chinese — as well as colleagues and other interested scholars — to some useful internet resources. - Resources for Modern Chinese Literature & Culture
This resource center contains, among other things, bibliographies of mostly English-language materials on modern Chinese literature, film, art, and culture and is maintained by Kirk A. Denton and Thomas Chan at the Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University.
Study Abroad Programs (Chinese)
Georgetown-Sponsored Programs
Students should apply to these Georgetown-approved programs through the Office of Global Education:
- CET-Beijing > Offers a strong language-immersion program with language pledge, and the option of local roommates.
- CIEE Accelerated Chinese Language in Shanghai (language focus, but not an immersion environment)
- CIEE Business, Language and Culture in Shanghai (substantial amount of coursework is in English)
- CIEE China in a Global Context in Shanghai (substantial amount of coursework is in English)
- IFSA Study in Shanghai: International Business (substantial amount of coursework is in English)
- IFSA Study in Shanghai: Social Sciences (substantial amount of coursework is in English)
- CET Taiwan: Intensive Chinese Language in Taipei, Taiwan
GU-Approved Summer Programs
There are no longer any GU-approved summer programs for Chinese for which one applies through OGE. Students may apply to programs for credit through the Chinese Study Abroad advisor (Professor Kafalas) in coordination with their dean’s offices. (See below for “Non-approved Summer Programs.”)
Non-approved Programs
Students may no longer apply independently to non-approved semester Chinese language programs for credit, with the exception that they may petition OGE to study at programs offered by organizations with which OGE already has existing partnerships. For intensive Chinese language, that would include:
- IFSA Intensive Chinese Language in Shanghai
- American Councils Intensive Language at Tamkang University
- Middlebury in Taiwan
Non-approved Summer Programs
Students may apply independently to these and other summer programs, in consultation with the Chinese Study Abroad advisor (Professor Kafalas) and in coordination with their dean’s offices. The following programs have strong track records with GU.
- CET-Beijing CET Beijing summer
- Inter-University Program (IUP) Chinese Center at Tsinghua University > Serves a broader student body than the usual study abroad programs, including graduate students, professionals, and professors.
- Princeton-in-Beijing (summer only) > A rigorous program keyed to US-style curriculum levels.
- CET Harbin > Summer program at the Northeastern Forestry University, including one-on-one tutorials with local professors on topics of the student’s choice, and dormitory residence with NFU student roommates. Many of our best students have studied at CET-Harbin over the years, but the program has now been reduced to summer only. One of the few undergraduate programs that is also strong in Classical Chinese. CET Harbin Summer
- International Chinese Language Program (ICLP) > An intensive language-only program with very small classes and rigorous instructional methods.
- CET-Taiwan > The summer version of the CET-Taiwan semester program. CET Taipei summer
Graduate Programs
- The Hopkins-Nanjing Center for Chinese and American Studies > Offers both graduate certificate and M.A. programs. American students study in Chinese; Chinese students study in English, and they are paired as roommates. Hopkins-Nanjing Center